Breaking a Money Habit

Breaking a Money Habit

The start of a new year can bring ambitious financial resolutions—saving more, spending less, and finally getting control of money habits that no longer serve us. But as the excitement of January fades, so can the motivation. Why is breaking a money habit so...
Why affirmations don’t work but this does

Why affirmations don’t work but this does

Have you ever used affirmations? I have, only to feel like an imposter when I started.  It appears I’m not the only one and maybe you can relate? If you’re not sure what affirmations are, they’re short positive statements that you say to yourself either out loud,...
The importance of being mindful with your money

The importance of being mindful with your money

 How often do you feel calm about your finances? I’m guessing for some, that’s the furthest thing from the truth on how you really feel about money. According to the Cambridge dictionary, mindful means to be ‘deliberately aware of your body, mind, and feelings in the...
Supercharge Your Super

Supercharge Your Super

Super is often the long forgotten relative in the investing world. At it’s core, superannuation is money put aside by your employer or you, during your working life for you to live on when you retire from work. Super in itself isn’t an investment, but a tax effective...
Expanding your income streams

Expanding your income streams

If you’re striving to enhance your wealth and secure your financial future, diversifying your income streams can be a powerful strategy. Embracing a holistic approach to your finances, which includes understanding the psychology of money, can further empower you...

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