Suzanne Alexander

About Suzanne

Let’s acknowledge, right now, that it’s okay to not know about money.

To not know how to manage it. To not know how to invest it. To not know how to spend it on the right things or save it in the right way.

Our money beliefs, thoughts and behaviours are embedded by the age of 7. And there is very limited, if any, education around money being taught in school.

When our mindset about money is built on what we’ve been lucky (or unlucky) enough to experience through our environment, family, society and culture it’s no wonder so many of us don’t realise the extent of the power it holds over us.

Hi, I’m Suzanne.

I’m a Certified Financial Coach who empowers female business owners to break through their challenging money mindset so they can confidently drive business growth and build financial independence.

Formerly a financial adviser, I’ve been involved in the finance industry for over 15-years.

When I look back, I wish I’d had the chance to work with a financial coach to uncover my own money story many years ago.

Why? Because even with everything I knew about money, without understanding how my mindset impacted my relationship with money, I simply kept repeating the same behaviours, over and over again.


Your thoughts about money will impact your reality.

Your personal relationship with money has a significant impact on your life.

When you’re also running a business, that relationship runs even deeper.

If you don’t have a positive mindset about money, it will impact almost every decision you make in your business.

If you’re:

  • Worried about cashflow
  • Working long hours in your business with little time for other things
  • Wanting to price your products and services at what you know they’re worth, but don’t know how
  • Trying to grow your business, but can’t get any traction

then it’s time to take control of your money mindset.


Getting good with money is about more than just knowing the numbers.

I’ll create a safe space where together, we’ll uncover the emotions, beliefs, thoughts and behaviour you have around money, so you can overcome the limitations holding you back and harness your money superpowers.

My approach to financial coaching combines three key pillars:

Money Mindset Meets Financial Literacy

By combining practical financial education with money mindset coaching, I can support you in growing your confidence with everything you need to be empowered when it comes to making financial decisions.

Business Focus

I specialise in working with women who run their own service-based businesses. I’ll help you overcome challenging money beliefs, establish strong financial foundations, and understand your value so you can price accordingly to earn more rather than work more.

A Tailored Approach with Ongoing Support

I take a tailored approach that helps to uncover your current money narrative so we can focus in on and shift the mindset issues that are holding you back.

If you’re ready to go from…

Overwhelmed to Empowered

Scared to Savvy

Anxious to Abundant

Manic to Mindful

Then you’re in the right place.

It’s time to take control of your money story.

And you don’t have to do it alone.

Start your Mindful Finances journey with me by booking a Discovery Call today.

My Credentials & Experience

I’ve been involved in financial services for over 15 years, near 8 of these as a financial adviser.


My Qualifications include:
    • Certified Financial Coach
    • Certified Money Coach (CMC)®  
    • Masters of Financial Planning (MFinPlan)
    • Successfully completed the FASEA exam
    • Credentialed Practitioner of Coaching
    • Certified Practitioner & Certified Coach of Neuro Linguistic Programming
    • Certified Practitioner of Time Line Therapy


Want to know more about my qualifications and experience?

Connect with Suzanne Alexander on Linkedin

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