Have you ever used affirmations? I have, only to feel like an imposter when I started. It appears I’m not the only one and maybe you can relate?
If you’re not sure what affirmations are, they’re short positive statements that you say to yourself either out loud, internally or through visual reminders to help improve self-esteem and navigate particular thoughts, feelings and situations.
Whilst there is evidence1 to support that where higher self-esteem is identified, positive affirmations have been found to have a more effective outcome. For those who might have lower self-esteem, affirmations unfortunately can tend to be futile.
The reason is, at our core we’re thinkers. Some of these are conscious thoughts and beliefs and others are unconscious.
And whilst some of the self-talk we express can be supportive, on the other hand it can be quite damaging; I’m bad with saving money, I’m rubbish with managing my money, I’m not worthy of being paid this amount…. the list is endless.
We process the world through pictures and symbols, and as we do we attach an emotion. Normally an emotion will leave our body in about 90 seconds according to Harvard-trained brain scientist Dr Jill Bolte Taylor, unfortunately for some, these emotions stay in our body and become trapped, resulting in us giving meaning to different experiences and events.
When we hold onto these emotions and feelings, saying a positive affirmation can seem like too much of a stretch and so there is a disconnect between our mind and body.
This is where awareness becomes key around the thoughts, beliefs, feelings and emotions you’re holding onto around money.
Unpacking this will allow you to let go of trapped emotions which cause a physical response in your nervous system.
Behavioural change also needs to take place, and this means taking action in the direction of your desired outcome.
The A.R.T approach
The A.R.T. approach is a practice I use with clients and can be a great framework to support you in navigating this:
What’s the outcome you’re wanting to achieve?
What are the thoughts and beliefs you currently hold about this?
Explore where in your body can you feel this?
(This is all about helping you get clear on the vision, identify the current story and associated emotions and explore what is possible).
Releasing the emotions and feelings attached to those thoughts and beliefs. In the work I do with clients, this is often done through somatic work such as breathe work and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).
Comes from getting clear on what you’re wanting to achieve and adopting the behavioural changes. This could include regularly checking in with your finances, creating a cashflow plan, regularly putting savings away for future you, cutting down on impulsive spending.
By encompassing A.R.T. we’re able to increase the effectiveness of positive affirmations which can lead to better results with money.
Suzanne X
Live your abundant life
Reference 1: Wood, J. et.al, First published online 1 July 2009, Positive Self-Statements: Power for Some, Peril for Others, Volume 20, Issue 7, Sage Journals, viewed 16 December 2024, https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-9280.2009.02370.x
The information above is general in nature and is to be used for education purposes only. Before acting on any information, you should consider the appropriateness of the information provided and how this may impact your personal needs, objectives, and financial situation which have not been taken into account. It is recommended that you seek guidance from a qualified financial specialist such as a financial adviser, accountant or tax agent before implementing.
The Money Mindset Reprogram & Magnetic Money Queen Program can help you transform your relationship with money. Working with a financial coach can help you to gain clarity around creating money and managing money. If you would like to explore this further, please book in for a free 15 minute chat.